Technical Committee

As of June 30, 2022, the Technical Committee of the Trust is composed of 11 members, 4 of whom qualify as independent.

The Technical Committee, in accordance with the provisions of the Trust, may be filled by up to 21 (twenty-one) members and their respective alternates, of which at least 25% (twenty-five percent) must be independent.

The Technical Committee is comprised of the following members:

Member and Chairman of the Technical Committee

Mr. Tome is an Industrial Physical Engineer, graduated with honors from the Technological Institute of Monterrey (Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey). His professional career was enriched by a MOT (Management on Technology) at MIT Sloan School of Management, and by a Multinational MBA at Adolfo Ibañez School of Management, in Miami, Florida as well as continuing education at world-renowned educational institutions such as Harvard Business School, in which, he is currently undertaking postgraduate studies in Real Estate.

His professional development comprises mainly the creation of several companies in the branches of the construction and materials manufacturing industries, even including the most recent incursion in the financial institutions sector.

Mr. Tome is an active member of the Council of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey – “ITESM”) and of the Eugenio Garza Lagüera Institute for Entrepreneurship (Instituto de Emprendimiento Eugenio Garza Lagüera). He also serves as a member of the Board of Directors at Grupo Financiero Banorte since 2012.

His career as a businessman began in 2000 in the textile companies of his family. In 2005, he began to grow and develop his private equity investment business, establishing Davinci Capital, where he currently has a stake in companies ranging from renewable energies such as Solartec, to IT companies, auto parts, food and construction materials such as Alucomex.

In 2009, Mr. Tome ventures into the real estate development business with the company Nemesis Capital, developing the Elite Residence and Capitolio brands as well as the Shopping Malls and Industrial Buildings division, currently with more than 3 million m2 built and under construction.

Independent Member

Mr. Clariond has more than 20 years of professional experience, the last 9 of which have been as CEO of several companies. As of 2011 and to date, he is the CEO of Valores Aldabra, a private equity fund focused on industrial and financial services projects. Furthermore, since January 2015 and to date, he is CEO of Buro Inmobiliario Nacional (BIN), a real estate firm specialized in hotels, warehouses and shopping malls in Mexico and in the southern United States of America. Prior to this position, he was CEO of Stabilit Mexico from 2007 to 2011. He currently participates in several board of directors, outstanding Empaques Moldeados de America where he serves as Chairman, Banco Bancrea where he holds the position of VP, Afore InverCap, Grupo Cuprum, Serviacero Comercial and Parque Fundidora. Before then, he was the Chairman of the Board of Directors at CINTERMEX and President for the Northeast region of the Mexican Business Council for Foreign Trade, Investment & Technology (Consejo Empresarial Mexicano de Comercio Exterior, Inversion y Tecnologia – COMCE). Mr. Clariond is a former Commercial Director of IMSA Acero from 2004 to 2007 and of Enertec Mexico from 2001 to 2004. Between 1996 to 1998, Mr. Clariond began his professional career at CEMEX where he worked in different corporate areas. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering and administration from Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey – “ITESM”) and a MBA from Stanford University.

Independent Member

Mr. Solis is a Certified Public Accountant with 40 years of professional experience. He is currently a managing partner of Solis, Camara y Compañia, a firm he founded in 1986 and provides services to highly recognized clients, outstanding GICSA, Fibra Uno, Nemesis Capital, Grupo Ral, Grupo Gigante, Meliá Hoteles, Qualitas Compañía de Seguros, Promecap, Frel Ingenieros y Arquitectos, Núcleo Radio Mil, Genomma Lab, among others. He has been a board member of several companies, including Bardahl de Mexico, Grupo Ambrosia, La Era Natural, Grupo GICSA; Coconal, Grupo Radio Formula. In the academic field, he was a part-time professor of various subjects related to the tax field at the Mexico Autonomous Institute of Technology (Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico – “ITAM”) from 1985 to 2015. Between 1995 and 1996, he served as a member of the Tax Advisory Council on Property Tax of the Mexico City’s Treasury (Tesoreria del Distrito Federal) and, between 2013 and 2014, he was a member of the Training Group of the Mexican Tax Administration Service(Servicio de Administracion Tributaria – “SAT”). He is an active member of the Mexican College of Public Accountants (Colegio de Contadores Publicos de Mexico, A.C.) since 1985 and member of its Fiscal Commission since 1996. He is also a member of the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants (Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Publicos, A.C.) and of the International Fiscal Association (IFA), Mexico branch. Mr. Solis is a chartered public accountant from ITAM. He also has a law degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico – “UNAM”) and, in addition, he received a qualification in tax law from ITAM.

Independent Member

Mr. Braun has a degree in Economics from the Ibero-American University of Mexico City (Universidad Iberoamericana de la Ciudad de Mexico) and a MBA from the Madrid Business Institute (Instituto de Empresa de Madrid). He has more than 25 years of professional experience in the financial sector, holding various senior executive positions in international banks, at home and abroad. He currently serves as CEO of Cordillera Consultores, a financial advisory firm specialized in diversified investment portfolios.


Mr. Alverde holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and has more than 25 years of professional experience. He is currently the COO of Grupo Gigante, being responsible for Gigante Grupo Inmobiliario, The Home Store, Petco and the Shared Services Unit of the Group. As CEO of Gigante Grupo Inmobiliario, he is responsible for Miyana, an important development in Polanco, Mexico City. Additionally, Mr. Alverde leads the revitalization of The Home Store’s image, as well as the promotion and development of new high-value projects for the company. He is a member of the board of directors at the National Association of Supermarkets and Department Stores (Asociacion Nacional de Tiendas de Autoservicio – “ANTAD”), VP of the Association of Real Estate Developers (Asociacion de Desarrolladores Inmobiliarios – “ADI”), member of the Board of Trustees at the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubiran (Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion Salvador Zubiran), as well as other important organizations and companies such as Presidente Hotels and A&L. He has a degree in business administration from the Ibero-American University (Universidad Iberoamericana – “UIA”) and a MBA from the Tulane University.


Mr. Arroyo serves as Deputy CEO of Farmacias Guadalajara, S.A. of C.V. He joined the company in December 2003. Mr. Arroyo serves as a member of the board of directors at Corporativo Fragua, S.A.B. de C.V. Additionally, he is a member of the board at the Chamber of Commerce of Guadalajara (Camara de Comercio de Guadalajara) and regional board member of Banco BBVA Bancomer. Likewise, he is an active member of the Eugenio Garza Lagüera Institute for Entrepreneurship (Instituto de Emprendimiento Eugenio Garza Lagüera) and the David Rockefeller Fellows Program for Mexico. Mr. Arroyo holds a degree in administration and finance from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey – “ITESM”), a certificate in financial economics from the University of British Columbia and a MBA in business administration from the Moore School of Business.


Advisor and member of the Investment Committee of Beraunberri, a Spanish investment group focused on the industrial, infrastructure, sustainability, and growth sectors, where the company Solarpack Corporación Tecnológica was founded in 2005. She also serves as an advisor for several companies and funds backed by Beraunberri.

Between 2017 and 2021, she worked at Allianz Global Investors in New York (USA) as part of the Infrastructure Debt team, structuring and investing in private debt for infrastructure projects in the USA and Latin America. Previously, she spent seven years as part of the Project Finance and Corporate Risk teams at Banco Santander in New York.

From 2015 to 2018, she was a board member of Solarpack Corporación Tecnológica, a multinational integrated company specialized in the development, construction, and operation of large photovoltaic solar plants. She is also a trustee of the EKI Foundation and the Pia Aguirreche Foundation in Spain.

She holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Navarra.

Member, Patrimonial

Mr. Coppel is a partner of Grupo Coppel, S.A. de C.V., a privately held company with the 4th largest number of Mexican employees (~110 thousand), where he has worked since 1969. He served as Chairman and CEO of BanCoppel, Afore Coppel, Coppel Argentina, and Coppel Brazil.

He was responsible for the urban development of La Primavera, similar to a satellite city in Culiacan (1,000 hectares), as well as the Industrial Zone in La Primavera, among other projects. He is currently a member of the Sinaloa Businessmen’s Council (Consejo Sinaloense de Empresarios – “CSE”), the Advisory Board of Telmex and Grupo Su Karne.

Mr. Coppel holds an MBA from the PanAmerican Institute for High Business Management (Instituto Panamericano de Alta Direccion de Empresa – “IPADE”) and studied Business Administration at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey – ITESM).

Member, Patrimonial

Mr. Valle is CEO of Afore Coppel, the managed retirement fund with the largest number of clients, more than 13 million, and a portfolio of more than $350 billion pesos, where he is leading a transformation process focused on the investment strategy of a portfolio that is expected to double in 4 years.

Prior to joining Grupo Coppel, he spent 2 years working in consulting and project finance structuring in different sectors, while actively participating in the strategy and governance of Deep Dive, a startup focused on data science, in which he is a shareholder.

Between February 2017 and January 2019, he was the Managing Director of Afore XXI Banorte. He made a significant career in the public sector including positions at Mexico’s Secretariat of Social Development (Manager Director of Diconsa, Mexico’s largest social food supply network), the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs (Executive Director of the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation) and the Secretariat of Finance.

Between 1997 and 2003, he worked at the National Commission of the Retirement Savings System (Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro).

Mr. Valle holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Mexico Autonomous Institute of Technology (Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico – “ITAM”) and a Master's degree in Public Policy from Princeton University's School of Public and International Affairs.

Member, Related

Member of the board of directors at companies from diverse sectors, as well as an investor in companies engaged in the real estate and financial sector. He contributed in the development of DaVinci Capital, Nemesis Capital and Signature Capital since their creation. Mr. Ramirez is a certified public accountant. He has been an independent professional in tax and financial auditing and consulting for more than 28 years. He was a founding partner of the representative firm in Mexico of Baker Tilly International (formerly Summit International), since 1990, serving as a member of their board of directors. In 1988, he graduated in public accounting with honors from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey – “ITESM”). Mr. Ramirez acts as a board member and advisor of several private, educational, business and professional institutions.

Member, Related

Architect graduated from the University of Guanajuato (Universidad de Guanajuato) and holds a Master's degree in architectural urban design from the La Salle University (Universidad La Salle) with 25 years of experience in the management of construction works, as well as in Business Creation Management. Partner of Grupo Link, investor and developer of shopping malls and other real estate projects. He has contributed in the development, construction and commercialization of over 500,000 m2 in shopping malls. Mr. Navarro collaborates with private and foreign funds for the development of real estate projects.